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Cold Stress 
Certificate Course

Any person who works in cold temperatures can benefit from the Cold Stress course. Cold stress, or loss of body heat to the environment, can cause serious illnesses and injuries. Working in cold, wet or windy conditions can also cause frostbite and potentially fatal conditions like hypothermia. While there isn’t a specific OSHA standard for cold stress, these hazards are covered by the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act found in Section 5(a)(1). Learn about cold-related hazards and the controls and procedures you can use to avoid them.

Complete Your Cold Stress Course Online

Our online Cold Stress course has numerous benefits, including:

  • 24/7 course access
  • Log on and off as needed
  • Work on your course anywhere with internet access
  • Email our course trainer with any questions
  • Allows up to 180 days to complete the course

Once you finish the course and pass a brief test on the core topics, you can instantly download your Certificate of Completion. The Cold Stress course takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Learning Objectives for the Cold Stress Course

The primary goal of this course is to teach you about the dangers of cold stress and how to avoid them. You will learn how to take precaution when working in cold environments that put your health at risk.

Key topics covered in the course include:

  • How to recognize cold stress and extreme cold
  • Sources of heat loss
  • Symptoms of frostbite, hypothermia and trench foot
  • How to prevent cold stress

The Cold Stress course is ideal for any worker who is exposed to low-temperature work conditions, including cold, wet and windy work environments.