A Complete Overview of OSHA's State-Specific Plans
Written by Staff Writer | Edited by Michael Purser

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is responsible for ensuring safe and healthful working conditions throughout the 50 states, U.S. territories and jurisdictions, including Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
However, OSHA does not set the universal standard for every workplace — many states have their own federally approved plans that go beyond the administration's requirements.
This can be confusing for some employers or workers, which is why it's helpful to understand what a state plan is, what states have their own plans and what they mean for everyday workers.
What Is an OSHA State Plan?
The federal standards in the Code of Federal Regulations lay the groundwork for occupational safety training throughout the country for most private-sector employers and their employees. There are other wrinkles, too, like independent contractors and government employers that are already covered by other regulations, such as the mining industry. But OSHA sets the floor — the bare minimum.
States have the option to adopt their own state-specific OSHA plans to go above and beyond those provisions. Workplace safety and health programs operated by individual states must be at least as effective as federal programs.
OSHA must approve state plans, including measuring their strategic and annual performance goals. Workers can file a Complaint About State Program Administration (CASPA) just like they can file an OSHA complaint.
Often, these rules will be nearly identical to federal OSHA requirements. But sometimes there is a difference between the two. The difference must always be more protective than the baseline requirement. Those laws and standards can be stricter than federal standards. States can't opt out of federal guidelines or adopt a more lenient standard.
A business that's operating according to federal regulations but failing to meet its jurisdiction's specific regulations could get into trouble. The penalties are also up to the state to a certain degree.
How Many States Have Their Own OSHA Plans?
Across the country, 22 State Plans cover both the private sector and the state and local government workers. These are:
- Alaska
- Arizona
- California
- Hawaii
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Puerto Rico
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wyoming
Seven State Plans cover only state and local government workers. These are:
- Connecticut
- Illinois
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- New Jersey
- New York
- U.S. Virgin Islands
State OSHA Programs with Specialized Training Requirements
When a regional plan doesn't exist, employers and workers are expected to adhere to the federal regulations, like those found in the OSHA Outreach Training courses. Federally sponsored general safety programs that are OSHA-authorized award official U.S. Department of Labor OSHA 10 or OSHA 30 cards.
10-Hour Training for Construction and 30-Hour Training for Construction, for example, are generalized courses that cover the expectations of federal regulators, including safety compliance measures and workplace hazard assessments. These courses are sufficient for most regional plans if they don't differ too much from national requirements. However, there are some exceptions.
California is a leader in workplace safety standards and often has more expansive protections for workers than national requirements. The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) oversees these regulations and requires workers to learn job-specific safe work practices and health hazards.
Courses that adhere to DOSH standards for California include 10-Hour Training for Construction, 10-Hour Training for General Industry, and more expansive 30-hour training courses.
North Carolina has its own Occupational Safety and Health (NC OSH) Division that requires employers and workers to go through industry-specific training for workplace safety. A comprehensive training course like an NC-OSH 30-Hour Training for Construction or NC-OSH 30-Hour Training for General Industry will cover both the regionally-specific requirements as well as the nationally-required standards that apply.
Nevada also has its own unique regulatory requirements for safe workplaces. As with the other states on this list, most of the requirements in Nevada adhere to the national requirements across the U.S. However, Nevada also features increased protections in certain areas that employers and employees need to be aware of to avoid potential violations.
Courses cover everything that's unique about Nevada's codes, such as our NV 10-Hour Training for General Industry and NV 30-Hour Training for Construction.
New York SST
New York City is another special case. Although New York, as a whole, adheres closely to the national requirements, New York City specifically has a Site Safety Training (SST) requirement based on Local Law 196.
The city requires workers and supervisors at most NYC construction sites to earn an SST card by completing a series of courses approved by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB).
We are an authorized provider of SST courses for workers and SST courses for supervisors. Workers and supervisors need an SST card to enter any jobsite with a Site Safety Plan in New York City.
Get the Right Safety Education for Your Needs
No one wants to experience the kinds of safety violations that might lead to OSHA enforcement actions. Fortunately, you can educate yourself on proper safety protocols and get certified as needed — whether you are working in an area with a regionally-specific plan or not.
If your jurisdiction has a bespoke safety program, start with a locally approved course covering those standards (like the four locations mentioned above). Otherwise, you can enroll in a general training program that adheres to OSHA regulations, like our 10-hour and 30-hour courses for construction or general industry.
If you are still uncertain about which training program is right for your needs, it can be helpful to ask for guidance. For example, employers can contact workplace safety organizations in their municipality, while workers can ask their employers for specific guidance on which training is right for them.
Our team is also here to answer questions as needed. We are a premier provider of online educational materials for workplace safety throughout the United States. If you are unsure about which of our courses to sign up for, just reach out and we will be happy to help.
Train with Us
OSHA Education Center is a leader in safe workplace education because we focus on two things: accurate, comprehensive course content and accessibility. Our lessons are designed to be easily understood and are available 100% online.
Some of the benefits of taking our courses include:
- Take courses on your home computer, laptop, tablet, or even your smartphone — all you need is an internet connection
- Work at your own pace — you can complete your coursework at any time of the day or night
- Our system saves your progress automatically
- Once you complete a course successfully you can download a Certificate of Completion immediately
- Depending on the course, you may also receive an official plastic wallet-sized certificate card as well
Browse our course catalog of more than 150 workplace safety and compliance training courses to find exactly the right training for your needs. Sign up and start learning online today!