OECA Newsletter Archive
Read all issues of Safety Matters.

Safety Matters - December
Published December 2024 — Vol. 03, Issue 4
This issue of Safety Matters highlights some new developments in safety and health education. It discusses OSHA Education Center's new 10-Hour Outreach training for the construction industry and highlights five of the most significant improvements to the course. This issue also discusses New Year's resolutions and actionable steps to build or enhance a workplace health and safety program in 2025. In continuing with the theme of health and safety education, we discuss OSHA's new publicly accessible and searchable Severe Injury Report data dashboard. Given the time of year, we discuss the symptoms of influenza, those most vulnerable, and how you can protect yourself and others around you from contracting the virus. Last, we discuss AI tools and how may create more work for employees, and lead to privacy concerns.

Safety Matters - September
Published September 2024 — Vol. 03, Issue 3
This issue of Safety Matters focusses on worker protection. It discusses how to recognize and combat workplace violence and the recent passing of California Senate Bill 553, which requires most California employers to establish a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan. This issue also discusses OSHA's whistleblower protection program, meant to establish equitable conditions for all workers across the United States. In continuing with the theme of worker protection, we discuss the recent update to OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), the first update since 2012, as well as OSHA's recent proposal to replace the Fire Brigades Standard with the “Emergency Response” standard. Last, we discuss FEMA's annual National Preparedness Month and how staying informed and community awareness and involvement play critical roles in effective emergency preparedness.

Safety Matters - May
Published May 2024 — Vol. 03, Issue 2
This issue of Safety Matters covers current topics related to OSHA recommendations. It discusses the importance of workers and employers working together to conquer workplace stress and address mental health concerns. It also discusses OSHA's recent ban on the last uses of asbestos in the U.S., the dangers of silica dust, and the requirements for protecting workers. We also discuss the Federal Highway Administration's recent revision of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and its relevance to flaggers, or those who manage traffic through work zones. Last, in response to the increase in excavation and trenching-related deaths in recent years, we discuss common safety hazards in trenchwork and how workers can protect themselves.

Safety Matters - February
Published February 2024 — Vol. 03, Issue 1
This issue of Safety Matters covers current topics related to OSHA's record-keeping requirements and recent safety helmet recommendations. It also discusses the importance of using lockout/tagout to control energy while servicing or maintaining equipment. Last, this issue discusses ways to improve heart health and how to keep employees and customers of a food establishment safe during an emergency.

Safety Matters - October
Published October 2023 — Vol. 02, Issue 9
This issue of Safety Matters covers current topics relevant to today's workforce. It discusses OSHA's recently launched national emphasis program aimed at warehouses, processing facilities, distribution centers, and high-risk retail establishments. It also discuss how to recognize and reduce distractions at work, fatigue during the night shift, and mental health problems that may lead to suicide. This issue also discusses how to protect from extreme and unpredictable weather at work.

Safety Matters - July
Published July 2023 — Vol. 02, Issue 8
This issue of Safety Matters covers a few topics specific to OSHA, including Safe + Sound Week as well as the OSHA inspection process. You will also find information about how to avoid bare-hand contact with food and its importance to food safety. These important tips can be applied at work and at home. This issue also provides an overview of artificial intelligence (AI) and how workers need to be cautious of the information they are sharing and receiving. Finally, with more than one million vehicles stolen in the U.S. in 2022, this issue concludes with an article about how to keep your vehicle safe from theft.

Safety Matters - March
Published March 2023 — Vol. 02, Issue 7
This issue of Safety Matters covers tips to keep you safe while you work. You will find information about reducing stress, fire planning and prevention, and how to prevent skin cancer. We will also touch on two topics specific to OSHA, including important 2023 enforcement changes and the role of competent persons.